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TextLab 是一款Mac上实用的代码格式转换工具,可以转换和验证JSON、HTML、XML、Base64等代码格式,简单易用,很实用的一款开发辅助工具!

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TextLab for Mac 1.3.4 介绍

The TextLab is a text transformation tool, which is suggesting what operations can be performed based on your input. For example, if you copy and paste JSON into the application, it suggests to validate and format that JSON.

HEPA filtration is required for all BSL-3 labs, and S.E.P.S. Technicians can test the integrity of your system. Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) labs are uncommon. While they’re rare, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. FFmpeg 4.3.1 '4:3' 4.3.1 was released on 2020-07-11. It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 4.3 release branch, which was cut from master on 2020-06-08. It includes the following library versions.

Supported Operations

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    • Format
    • Validate & Clean up
    • Save as HTML, XML
    • Save as escaped HTML, XML
  • JSON
    • Validate and Format
    • Save as JSON
  • URL
    • Encode
    • Decode
    • Extract URL parameters into table
  • CSV
    • Preview
    • Save as CSV
    • Export to Excel
    • Export with other delimiters
  • Text
    • Upper case
    • Lower case
    • Capitalize
    • Camel case
    • Remove additional white spaces
    • Base 64 encode and decode
  • Number
    • Mili-seconds to date
    • Integer to Binary
    • Integer to Hex
    • Integer to Octal
    • Base 64 encode and decode


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Version 1.3.4: Totalfinder 1 11 79.

  • Find text
  • Go to Line
  • Replace text
  • Improved input text area (better shortcuts and keyboard support)
  • Export as Escaped HTML for other formats, like SQL
  • Added support to format multiple SQL queries
  • Performance improvements

TextLab for Mac 1.3.4 下载

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